This short
text doesn't have the ambition to go in great detail into the in's and
out's of the forces that control governments, global economy, and such.
Rather, it's just an intro into these issues, set in a plot of a card game
that bears an uncanny resemblence to some events we witnessed in past
10-15 years. |
The ones denoted as "Terrorist Nuke" and "Pentagon" look almost exactly like what we witnessed on our TV screens on September 11, 2001. The people from the "other side", the Illuminati (the "enlightened ones") have this little obsession with numbers, numerology, occultic symbols and - being all puffed-up in their "superiority" to you and I - love a lot to brag about their doings.[3] In all their intelligence and cunning, they are pretty much like cats or dogs, marking their territory by peeing on lamp posts, trees and fences, or like youngsters leaving graffiti on the buildings ("I was here --Zeeke").
If we take each of the cards separately - out of the context of the other cards - it would probably not mean much to anybody. Put them all together, and you will have a more composite picture of the "game". Are we being played like pawns on a chessboard? Maybe more like in "The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives", a 1997 book by Zbigniew Brzezinski, former presidential advisor, and a CFR member. Guess, what some of the other cards are called. How about "Rewriting History", "Population Reduction", "Center for Disease Control" (CDC), "Epidemic", etc. There is also another game by S. Jackson, called "Illuminati Brainwash" (now, that you've already conquered the world, play with the pliable minds of billions of the world's population!).[5] I'm using the Illuminati Card Game more as an illustration, than anything else. It could be that Steven Jackson is simply a keen observer of the geopolitical trends and global events, building the plot for his games upon his knowledge of recent and not-so-recent history.
* "Useful idiots" is a term used by Vladimir I. Lenin, refering to the file-and-rank, brainwashed communists, happily doing the bidding of their "Führer" Lenin. 1.
Steven Jackson`s The Illuminati Card Game 2.
The Piramid of Control 3.
The Smoking Gun article - The Cutting Edge 4.
Some of the `Illuminati` cards - 5.
`Illuminati Brainwash` card game 6.
Weather Modification, Inc. 7.
H.A.A.R.P. Project - Holes in Heaven 8.
Hurricane Charley -
R-Kiver / Sep 2004 / Posted: Sep 2004 / Last rev/adds: 09.2005 | |||
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