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This section provides links to some of the eye-opening resources on Christian persecution.
You will not find most of the information presented by these ministries in the mainline media outlets, except for some occasional mention buried somewhere, on "page 98". Christian persecution is one of the most underreported issues in the (it's hard to escape this observation) controlled media. We heard "all" about the Balkan war, we hear about bad Israel murdering innocent Palestinians, etc. Yet, when was it last time that you heard about estimated two million people in southern Sudan that were systematically slaughtered by the Sudanese Islamic government over past 15-18 years? Well, it goes on and on....
VOM Canada Persecution TV   Watch Voice Of the Martyrs Persecution TV by clicking on the image.
        NOTE: Please, be advised that some of the photographs and testimonies of the people, their families, witnesses, and people otherwise involved with some of the cases may be quite graphic for some of the readers.
Christian Monitor - this ministry sprang up to life in 2002. Big focus on Indonesia. Features news, reports, human rights section, what you can do, and more...
Christians In Chrisis - This organization was sending information to their mailing list for some time, before starting their website in 2004. It features many different sections and projects. Their stated goal is to spread the Gospel and wake up Christians to the reality of Christian persecution, be their advocate and their voice.
China Aid Association - Established in 2002, is a non-profit Christian organization with a mission to explore the truth, to tell the truth and to preserve the truth on the issue of religious freedom in China, particularly focusing on the fate of the unofficial church.
Christian Solidarity International has been removed from our index as they reference UN definitions and mix them with Bible verses (United Nations Organization is a spiritual/occultic movement, religion, incompatible with Christian faith and the teachings of the Scripture).
Freedom House - Another great source of information on persecution of Christians.
Frontline Fellowship - Rev. Dr. Peter Hammond and his ministry in Africa. Dealing mostly with S. Africa, Sudan, Zambia, Nigeria, and Christians in Africa in general. If you haven't seen "Sudan: The Hidden Holocaust" from Jeremiah Films, this is a must-see documentary on one of the top unreported (ongoing) genocides of our times.
In Touch Mission - Frontline Fellowship's sistery organization in the US. Their outreach is mainly Africa, Romania and Poland. You can subscribe to their monthly newsletter that will give you an update on the latest as far as their projects and activities.
International Christian Concern -  Featuring articles, news, and information on countries where there's persecution of Christians. Tax-exempt, charity and persecution watch organization.
Jubilee Campaign - Another source of information on persecution of Christians.
Prisoner Alert (a VOM website) - Alerts about Christians arrested, imprisoned and otherwise persecuted.
Religious Freedom For China, now: [Chinese] :: [English] - big depository of documents and translations of documents and testimonies of people persecuted for their religious beliefs and associations. Also, commentaries, links to mainstream media articles, and much more. (This site is blocked by the Chinese ISPs).
Safe Harbor International Relief - "We will come to the aid of those in distress, demonstrating in practical ways the love of Christ and sharing the hope of the gospel with the people we minister to." Ministry of Calvary Chapel of Rancho Santa Margarita. Helping in big ways the persecuted in Sudan.
The Bible League - Providing Bibles and church planting training for the persecuted church for many years now (established in 1938).
VOM: [Voice Of the Martyrs] - Many features: articles, latest news, photographs, prayer requests, "what can I do?", members/subscribers area, much more....


Compiled by: R-Kiver / Last revisions/additions: Dec. 2008
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