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Burzynski Clinic
There is no cure for cancer? Ex-patients of Dr. Burzynski's Clinic in Texas think differently. You don't trust the Establishment Corporate Medicine? Rightly so! Find out how the FDA wasted tens of millions of the U.S. taxpayers dollars in an attack on the clinic in court - and LOST! (Tom Elias details this disgusting attack in his book, The Burzynski Breakthrough).
C.I.P.R.C. (English)
The Committee for the Investigation on Persecution of Religion in China
Chinese version
Centre for Research on Globalization
Coalition Against Geo-Engineering
Coalition Against Geo-Engineering
Cutting Edge Ministry
Christian perspective on: prophecy, end times, occultism, globalism, NWO, geopolitics, more...
DORway - Aspartame is NOT safe
DORway consists of around 800 WEB pages (approximately 12,000 printed pages) of solid time-tested documentation that aspartame is neither a decent diet aid... nor was it ever proven to be safe! It must be removed from the human food chain, but only YOU AND I, the consumers, can effect its removal.
DORway`s Aspartame Links - a lot!
Fluoride: Protected Pollutant or Panacea?
Are the claimed benefits of ingesting fluoride over-rated and the risks to our health and eco-system under-reported
Health Recovery Website
This site offers knowledge for correcting chemistry to break addictions and stabilize mental health.
It reflects our dedication to spread a new paradigm of medical treatment based on orthomolecular ideas gathered from around the world and applied at the Health Recovery Center.
Informed Choice - Glossary of Vaccines
In a compulsory inoculation program, it is the responsibility of the developers, promoters and enforcers to prove safety and efficacy
Informed Choice - Vaccine Coctails
Alex Jones fights the New World Order
Talk show radio host, writer, and producer from Austin, Texas brings you information and perspective you won't find on CNN, ABC, etc.
Laogai Research Foundation
In 1992, the Laogai Research Foundation was established to gather information and spread public awareness on the Chinese Laogai. The Foundation publishes an annual Laogai Handbook, newsletters, special investigative reports, as well as assisting television media in preparing documentary films on the Laogai.
National Vaccine Information Center
National Vaccine Information Center
Daily news and commentary on natural health, wellness, planetary health and medicine
Open Doors - main site
Organization started by Brother Andrew in the 1950's, aiding persecuted Christians in about 60 countries around the world and delivering Bibles to those who need them.
a sub-site
Painful Questions
An analysis of the September 11th Attack
- Why is the military hiding the video of Flight 77 as it crashes into the Pentagon?
- Why do so few people know what Building 7 is and why it collapsed at 5:30 PM?
- Why didn't seismic stations pick up the crash of Flight 77 into the Pentagon?
Don't be afraid to look into the most exciting conspiracy theory of our lives! Even if you believe the official story, you will understand why people around the world are questioning the competence of the US Government.
Ignorance of this issue is nothing to be proud of! Impress people with your knowledge of different viewpoints of the 9-11 attack!
Police State 21
911 In Plane Site
Video and Photographic Evidence of the Largest Cover-Up In Modern Day History.
Trance Formation of America
"TRANCE Formation of America is the first documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation."
A website dedicated to the mind control issues. It features reviews and excerpts of books written by Mark and Cathy, a newsletter and more...
Truth In Labeling
The whole truth about monosodium glutamate and MSG
Alternate URL
Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties
Here, you'll get the real story behind the USA PATRIOT Act and other administration policies and the gut wrenching stories behind those affected--from law-abiding store clerks to United States Olympians unable to travel. It'll remind you of what America used to stand for and what it seems we're falling for now.
Under Siege - A William Lewis Film
Through the education system, the mainstream media, and corporate America it will quickly become clear that the US Constitution and the American way of life have been sacrificed on the all-mighty alter of Corporatism by the very people that we have entrusted with their protection.
List anonymous wikipedia edits from interesting organizations
GS Editor's pick... Check it out and find out if one of the most popular online, free encyclopedias is really reliable. Or are they allowing "special interest groups" meddle with the content.
World Wide Alert Map
Emergency and Information Service
Excellent source on the latest chem/bio/radiological emergencies; e.g. spills, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, catastrophies, natural disasters, accidents, and the likes. Features a map showing the location, severity, and other info. the hidden story of Building 7
According to the government, small fires leveled this building.

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* Simple Search - this is a beta version of this search feature. Only single keywords/phrases will work in this version.

Last engine update: 2006.06


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